Saturday, September 28, 2019

Day 6, As It Is Happening, Badlands National Park , 10 a.m.

This will be my view for the next 24 hours. Not the Ritz, but home. We decided to stay put here for today and move on tomorrow. It is raining here and at our destination. (Why take down and put up the tent in the rain when you have an option?) It will be 82 tomorrow where we are headed (15 in Yellowstone at night). By the way, notice how on the right on top of my mattress is Donner's second bed. A solution to every problem. Let him seize my mattress all he wants now. (It wasn't too bad sleeping with no air in the mattress last night. But i will repair it anyway today.) Also notice the kitchen. Yes, i cook in the tent's vestibule, very, very carefully, with plenty of ventilation, and pray some dog does not meander by our tent. Our tent is a virtual one-room mansion. The astronauts had more space going to the moon than i have.

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