Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Happy ”Birthday,” Donner.

Four years ago today, i woke up at 5:00 a.m. and looked at my Facebook page before i left for the train to NYC to see some shows that weekend. Among the postings i found was a three-minute video of a four-year old German shepherd named Thunder who was eligible to be put to sleep that night. He was sick, never trained or walked on a leash, had never  been inside, and had been chained up in several back yards his entire life. "How can i go to New York and enjoy myself knowing that this dog might be desd tonight?" I asked myself. I could not. At 9:00, i was on a plane to Los Angeles from DC  to adopt him. I renamed him Donner, which means Thunder in German, so he thinks he has an entirely new life, but is a daily reminder to me of the life he had for his first four years. What a great dog he is. I sure lucked out.

Below are  the two photos of Donner i saw on my Facebook  page four years ago today, and below that is his official portrait in his new life.

I will never know Donner's real birthday, so i celebrate it on the day he came into my life. He does not care, as long as i treat him the way he deserves. And he deserves the best.

Here 's the link to the video i saw of Donner.

Donner's official portrait.

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